South of Ireland hiking tour – Day 8

The Dingle Peninsula is a “Gaeltacht” or center of Irish-speaking culture, and a repository of antiquity, including thousands of archeological sites. We’ll take an archeology tour of some of the peninsula’s famous sites, including the Gallarus Oratory, a place of worship for early Christian farmers of the area. Shaped like an upside-down boat, the simple dry-stone structure has remained waterproof and in near-perfect condition since 700 AD. We’ll also enjoy a series of carefully selected walks designed to showcase the Dingle’s coastal headlands, beaches and mountains, all the while interweaving Dingle’s lively history and folklore. Back in Dingle, the evening brings more opportunities for “Ceól agus craic”—music and merriment. All meals included.

Hiking: 3-6 miles, 3-4 hours; Terrain: Open hiking over exposed headlands, rolling hills with some steep sections. Example: Ballydavid Head is 3.3 miles, 792′ ascent. Driving: 1.5 hours.